Monday, December 3, 2007


WOW!!! The show this past Friday was amazing! Couldn't have asked for anything better, and all of you guys are truly amazing!

As you all know, we were giving all the money we make from the door to the organization IT'S OKAY TO CRY. Well thanks to all of you beautiful people, we were able to give $500! AMAZING!!! That's going to help out a lot! I believe the money is going to be used to produce DVDs that will be sent to the kids that are in need. $500 can make a lot of DVDs, and thanks to all of you guys that came out to the show, because it was you guys that allowed it to happen!

Well, we are looking for photo's from that show too, so if you have any send them our way and we'll see what we can do about putting them up on the myspace.

Man, I love Root Beer Floats! Delicious!


Sunday, November 18, 2007

"Three times! What?...THRICE!!!"

So last night Miguel and I(Seth) saddle up and head out to the Thrice concert. The least I can say is that it was unbelievable! Blew my mind! I would have pictures up, but they didn't allow camera's in the show, SON OF A *****! I keep up with what they are doing with The Alchemy Index though, and I do have to say, despite contradictions from Neil, Digital Sea... AMAZING! I was slightly disappointed though that they didn't play "Under a Killing Moon" or "To Awake and Avenge the Dead." But it's all good!

So when Thrice comes on Miguel and I decide to make our way through the packed crowd to the front hoping to be in the middle of all the action, because as everyone knows that's where it is... duh! But wait, not everyone knows this?

Thrice starts jammin' and I start jumpin'. Now understand that the crowd was so packed that you couldn't lift your arms in the air, you had to fight for every breath. But apparently while being pushed around by this massive crowd people were getting their feet stepped on. A little word of advise... DON'T WEAR FLIP FLOPS TO CONCERTS GIRLS!!! At least if you are going to stand in the middle of the pit. Your toes WILL be stepped on. I do wish to apologize for any toes that were crushed by myself or Miguel... we are terribly sorry, we blame Thrice for making us ROCK!

Moral of the story...

Girls- We don't want you to get hurt so... don't wear flip flops to shows.
Guys- Make your girls change if they are wearing flip flops.

By the way, we had a small practice today. Stef and I worked on some vocals. It was sweet!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Well it's official... the charity we are going to give to is the IT'S OKAY TO CRY charity. It's a really cool charity that helps to counsel young kids that are struggling through the grieving process of loosing a loved one due to death, the war in Iraq, etc. I hope that you all come out Nov. 30th to help support our cause!

By the way, here is the website... although it is under construction...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Hey guys, thanks for checking out the new blog. This is where we will keep you updated on what's going on with the band and what we are doing in our everyday life... you know, since we are all so interesting!

We do have some new stuff going on...

Matt and I(Seth) have decided that we really would like to start giving to charity. So I have spent the past few days online searching out the best ones and Matt knows a lady that started her own charity. I think we have decided on a local one, but I don't want to say before things are finalized. I'm really excited about this! What we have decided to do is take all the money we make from the door at some of our shows and give it to a charity of our choice. The first show we are going to try this with is our show at Fitzgeralds on November 30th. It's going to be an AMAZING show! We put together a sweet line-up! Hope to see you all there!