Monday, December 3, 2007


WOW!!! The show this past Friday was amazing! Couldn't have asked for anything better, and all of you guys are truly amazing!

As you all know, we were giving all the money we make from the door to the organization IT'S OKAY TO CRY. Well thanks to all of you beautiful people, we were able to give $500! AMAZING!!! That's going to help out a lot! I believe the money is going to be used to produce DVDs that will be sent to the kids that are in need. $500 can make a lot of DVDs, and thanks to all of you guys that came out to the show, because it was you guys that allowed it to happen!

Well, we are looking for photo's from that show too, so if you have any send them our way and we'll see what we can do about putting them up on the myspace.

Man, I love Root Beer Floats! Delicious!



Unknown said...

I gotta say, I watched the whole show from the balcony and it was really cool seeing everyone just get into the show, the crowd was great. STA was great, the whole thing was just so amazing. I recorded bits of it, so I will post some videos soon.

Unknown said...

Hey!! You guys were fucking awesome!!! Especially loved the new song!!!! Cant wait to see you guys again!

Unknown said...

wow i didnt know it was for charity,
it was an awesome show,
love the new song,
but i still dig rubicon 219381983 times more.

keep up the work